General Thoughts

I managed to implement an attack for the zombies, and the concept of player health into the game. You won’t die yet when I think about it, but your health can reach zero.

I feel like the end of the game is really in sight now. Besides polish, the entire engine of the game is pretty much good to go.

I’ve let the game’s organization fall into complete disarray. I have a lot of files with _2, _3, etc. I guess when I sit down to program, I feel like I have to get as much done as I can as fast as I can. Which has led to some disorganization.

I do wonder how vital organization is in a small, single-man project. I know where everything is, and with my nonsensical naming convention, I know just to pick the file name with the highest number if there are duplicates.

I have also largely abandoned my folder structure. The naming convention does not feel intuitive to me. I also do a good bit of referencing absolute paths in my code, so I think reorganizing things at this stage would just cause a massive headache.

I go back and forth on how much I want to polish this game. This is my first ever 3D game, so it feels like I just want to keep it simple. Finish the game, and carry my lessons into my next game.

On the other hand, what keeps me from implementing polish on even a simple game? I guess I’d rather move on to another idea. I don’t have another idea for a game right now though.

If my goal is learning, I do think I’d learn faster by creating more games, than spending a lot of time on just one game. I can learn some polish along the way!

This dev entry is a little all over the place, as I’ve been stopping to do some chores, cook dinner, and watch my wife play a charming game called The Big Con.

In terms of game organization, I think I just need to sit down and reorganize it every few weeks. Perhaps whenever I start to think it’s a little messy, I’ll spend some dedicated time reorganizing things.

What I’ve Done

  • Created health bar
  • Implemented Zombie Attack
  • Player can now receive damage
  • Added sound effects

What I want to do next

  • Organize my game
  • Fix the bug where the player can target zombie that is offscreen
  • Disallow two zombies to share the same word